Sourdough Pizza

About this recipe
Because almost everything sourdough tastes better. This recipe doesn't require much kneading and can help you gain confidence in how you work with the dough. Plus you can surprise family and friends... as many as you want, with this calculator you get the perfect recipe every time for your desired amount of friends or family
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- Mix all the ingredients in the following order. Water -> Starter -> Flour -> Salt
- Mix by hand for 5 min. and let rest covered for 15 - 30 min.
- Place the dough in the table and peroform a series of slap and fold to build strength in the dough. Knead the dough and shape into a ball. Let rest for 4 - 5 hours or in the fridge overnight, until it grows at least 50% of it's original size.
- Seperate the dough into dough balls of your desired weight.
- Place the dough balls in a lightly floured proofing box or in between two baking trays.
- Let the dough balls rise for 2 - 4 hours until they have grown and and have soft consitency
- Lift the dough ball by carefully using a scraper and place in flour (preferably Semolina) in order to stretch it.
- Stretch by hand so that the air bubbles in the dough remain unpopped. Using a rolling pin might actually degas the dough, but if you are a begginer it's ok.
- When baking on a pizza tray I like to grease it using garlic butter, but other oils work too
- Add sauce and toppings (I like to brush the pizza crust with garlic butter before and after baking) and bake for 15 - 20 min at 420ยบ Farenheit. Lift the pizza with a spatula and check it's color. The bottom getting slightly brown will be an indicator that your pizza is done.
- Practice makes perfect, don't worry if you make holes in your pizza dough when stretching
- Sifting the flour helps getting a softer dough
- If tempted to add flour, try not to, instead do stretch and fold
- If you feel dough is too sticky to handle, put olive oil in your hands
- Wetting a bit your hands also helps prevent dough from sticking to your hands, but be wary not to add too much