
About this recipe

Sourdough bread is a type of bread that's made using lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast, and it has several potential health benefits

How it's calculated

Based on the total number of loaves and the desired weight of the loaf a total dough weight is calculated.

Total Weight = Loaves * Loaf Weight

The total flour in the recipe is calculated by using the hydration.

Flour = Total Weight / (1 + Hydration Percentage)

The starter to be used is calculated based on the recipes total flour.

Starter = Flour * starter percentage

The salt is calculated based on the total flour the recipe has

Salt = Flour in recipe * salt percentage

To keep the hydration accurate we subtract half of the starter and the salt from the flour.

Flour to be actually used = flour previously calculated - (starter / 2) - salt

Same applies to the water.

Water = flour * hydration - (starter / 2)

Note: If the starter werent subtracted, then our hydration would be exposed to changes than what we initially set.


No need to add units, just type the values!


  1. Mix all the ingredients in the following order. Water -> Starter -> Flour -> Salt
  2. Mix by hand for 3 min. and let rest covered for 15 - 30 min.
  3. Knead the dough and shape into a ball. Let rest for 3 - 4 hours or in the fridge overnight, until it grows at least 50% of it's original size.
  4. Cut the dough into pieces of your desired weight and shape into dough balls.
  5. Let the dough balls rise for 2 - 4 hours until they have grown and and have soft consitency
  6. Lift the dough ball by carefully using a scraper and place in flour (preferably Semolina) in order to stretch it.
  7. Stretch by hand so that the air bubbles in the dough remain
  8. Bake for 35 - 45 min at 430ยบ Farenheit.

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